Pack Rats

Pack Rats
  • Title: Pack Rats
  • Genre: Independent Coming-of-Age Drama/Comedy

Set within the lively and complex ecosystem of "The Hub," a sprawling distribution center, "Pack Rats" is a vibrant coming-of-age tale. The film interweaves the lives of its characters, led by Chris, a perceptive new hire, as they navigate the multifaceted world of modern work life. While entertaining, the narrative is layered with insightful reflections on adulthood, business ethics, and self-identity.

Themes and Motifs:

  • Modern Workplace Dynamics: A deep dive into the day-to-day experiences and challenges within a bustling work environment, encapsulating ambition, teamwork, and the pursuit of personal goals.
  • Personal Growth and Self-Discovery: Chris's journey and those of his colleagues offer a lens through which the film explores identity formation and the impact of professional life on personal development.
  • Social and Capitalist Commentary: The film subtly critiques and comments on societal norms, the role of social media in shaping perceptions, and the intricacies of navigating a capitalist society.
  • Underlying Educational Essence: While primarily a narrative-driven film, "Pack Rats" is imbued with a solid foundation of business and management insights, offering viewers a meaningful and thought-provoking experience.


  • The primary setting is "The Hub," an allegorical representation of modern commerce, serving as a bustling backdrop for the unfolding drama and humor.

Character Profiles:

  • Chris: The protagonist whose experiences at "The Hub" mirror the contemporary young adult's journey into the working world.
  • The Hub Staff: A dynamic array of characters, each embodying different facets of workplace culture and personal aspirations.

Inspirational Sources:

  • Inspired by contemporary and classic narratives in film and literature, "Pack Rats" balances entertainment with philosophical depth, reminiscent of the spirit found in modern independent cinema.

Production Elements:

  • Narrative Style: A rich tapestry of humor, heartfelt moments, and genuine character development.
  • Cinematic Approach: A visually engaging mix of styles, capturing the energy and complexity of "The Hub" and its inhabitants.

Marketing and Distribution:

  • Targeted for a wide release on digital platforms, focusing on its appeal as an entertaining yet intellectually stimulating film.
  • Marketing emphasizes the film’s relevance to modern audiences, highlighting its unique blend of drama, comedy, and insightful life lessons.

Target Audience:

  • Aimed at a broad audience, particularly young adults and those interested in films that blend entertainment with deeper life insights.
  • Appeals to viewers who appreciate films that offer both a compelling story and a chance to reflect on their own life experiences and societal observations.